If your not on google maps...

In today’s digital era, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. One of the most…

How to Make Money from ChatGPT?...

ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT-3.5 architecture. While ChatGPT itself cannot make money,…

Why a Care Plan is Essential...

Just like your phone and your computer’s operating system, your website requires maintenance. Every month it seems my phone and…

Antony Vavia voted The Humblest Man...

Ant Vavia – Voted by Byron Brown as the Humblest man in the Cook Islands When you think of the…

Keywords? What are they?

What are keywords? Keywords are the words, or combinations of words, that cause your website to show up on search…

Who is the Sexiest man in...

So your’re thinking this guy isn’t the sexiest man in the Cook Islands i know that guy related to that…

Basic Keyword Research Explained

So when planning out your website you got to think how am I going to get traffic? How are people…

Websites are like Super Heros

Having a website live is just the beginning of your online journey just putting up a website about your business…
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